Package-level declarations


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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class CommandHandler(val value: Array<String>, val rateLimits: RateLimits = RateLimits(0, 0), val scope: Array<UpdateType> = [UpdateType.MESSAGE])

The annotation used to mark the function that is used to process the specified commands.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class Injectable

Annotation to mark an object/class as an interface to get the object that can be passed to a function. And target object need to be implementation of Autowiring interface.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class InputChain

Label the class that implements the input chain, for CodegenUpdateHandler.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class InputHandler(val value: Array<String>, val rateLimits: RateLimits = RateLimits(0, 0))

The annotation used to denote the function that is used to process the specified I/O event.

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annotation class ParamMapping(val name: String)

Because of the limitation of the telegram api in the length of callbacks, this annotation allows you to map parameters by a specific name.

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annotation class RateLimits(val period: Long = 0, val rate: Long = 0)

Annotation to define query limits for specific actions.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class RegexCommandHandler(val value: String, val rateLimits: RateLimits = RateLimits(0, 0), val options: Array<RegexOption> = [])

The annotation used to mark the function that is used to process the specified commands.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class UnprocessedHandler

Annotation used to mark the function that is used to handle updates that not processed. Only one processing point is possible.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class UpdateHandler(val type: Array<UpdateType>)

An annotation used to indicate the function that is used to handle the specified type of incoming update.